Homecoming season is upon us, and ladies no need to stress, Promgirl.net is here for your dresses and accessories. If you are prone to stress or just have been overwhelmed by the new school year and can’t seem to find the time to de-stress and do yoga or even sleep, good news has finally arrived. On behalf of Refinery 29, Promgirl.net has provided you with some tips on keeping a fresh face amongst all the stress and dark circles.
Since most of you have a lower salary, for our fans still in high school anyway, your babysitting money should cover the cost of a few of the products – so to be considerate I will start with the more affordable products. However, don’t over look the fact that the less expensive may be so for a reason…if one item is $15 and another is $45, check how many wipes or how much cream per fluid ounce you are getting. It may be worth your while in certain cases to splurge.
To start off, Radiance Eye Cream is the first on the list. “The chamomile, cucumber, and rosehip extracts will help reduce puffiness and swelling,” reported Refinery 21.The eye cream is an all natural remedy and comes to you from Burt’s Bees, plus it is also the most economical. The cream goes for $19.99 and is available at Ricky’s and at most other locations Burt’s Bees is presented. Our second option only empties our pockets for only another $5 bringing the cost of our second product to $24 at Sephora. The item is by First Aid Beauty and is their Detox Eye Roller. This product uses caffeine and witch hazel to wake up your face! That’s right; caffeine has more uses than just getting you through a Monday, now it can get you through a Friday night as well…talk about day-to-night looks!
The next product on our list is Elizabeth Grant’s Vitamin C Illuminating Eye Pads. As one could gather from the name, these eye pads use a vitamin C base, while more conspicuous information about the product was provided by Refinery21. Not to name drop, but Refinery21 claims fans of Elizabeth Grant’s Vitamin C Illuminating Eye Pads are, “Brooke Shields, Will & Jada Pinkett Smith and Blake Lively.” The eye pads are available anywhere Elizabeth Grant is sold for $35. Not yet getting to steep in price is our next contender, is Korres, Wild Rose Face and Eye Serum. Once again, we see Vitamin C as the base of this product. However, that is only half of it, as this product is a two-in-one treatment claiming to give you “your money’s worth.” The other half is powered by baobab tree ploys and is sold at Sephora for a reasonable $41.
Our final option jumps up in price range making the cost a whopping $100. The product is Kerstin Florian’s Eye Rescue Pads. Refinery21 explains why it may cost so much, “Eye Rescue is not your typical eye pad. Made from a collagen like marine fiber called Chitosan, indigenous to the coast of Norway, these pads will reduce trans-dermal water loss – a major cause of dark circles.” Also, it is a very new product, and will not be available until January 2012, and even then, one can only buy it at Kerstin Florian.
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