Many an aspiring young model living in New York City or L.A. has fantasized about a casting agent walking up to them on the street and informing them that they are perfect for the latest high fashion ad campaign. However for 62-year old former schoolteacher Tizporah Salamon that fantasy hadn’t been on her mind for decades when she was approached by casting agent Zan Ludlum who wanted her for Lanvin’s Winter 2012 ad campaign. Salamon is one of eleven new faces for Lavin’s latest campaign cast entirely without professional models.
The brainchild of Lanvin creative director Alber Elbaz, the campaign, shot by veteran photographer Steven Meisel seeks to bring a breath of fresh air to the world of high fashion advertisements. As Mr. Elbaz explained:
“Fashion doesn’t look good only on models, it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes. We didn’t think there would be such a big talk because we just did it and we thought let’s try to work with real people. Let’s do street casting, let’s work with different men and women of different ages and see what comes out of it.”
Despite Elbaz’s nonchalant attitude towards the decision the campaign has turned plenty of heads both in the fashion world and mainstream media for its daring and unique look. Many have already stated, and here at Promgirl News we are inclined to agree with them, that this is one of the most visually pleasing high fashion ad campaigns in a while. Though that comes as no surprise Zan Ludlum who told reporters:
“It’s beyond visual. Sure, they might have great eyes or features but it’s more about their presence, their ownership of their own individuality. You might see someone who has style, but if you strip away everything, are they still powerful? Because we are taking them out of who they are and putting them in new clothes. Are they interesting beyond what they’re wearing.”
Perhaps the most refreshing part of this campaign is how the civilians turned models are handling their time in the spotlight. Salamon herself was giddy with excitement when asked about her experience as a fashion model, saying “I felt like such a princess, a queen for a day, I was high as a kite.”
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