The tween star of this summer’s J.J. Abrams sci-fi thriller Super-8 will be one of five faces to grace the cover of the supernatural issue of LOVE magazine scheduled to hit shelves next month. The only other cover girl who has been revealed thus far is Nyasha Matonhodze. Fanning’s photo shoot for the cover, done by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, is a slam dunk as far as matching the photo’s theme with the young actress’s style. The cover features Elle as an almost ethereal vision in white lace and blond locks, a look that while similar to the porcelain doll shoot her and her sister did for Vogue earlier in the month, seems even more suited to the younger of the pair.
Last month the fashion forward thirteen year old was featured in a very grown up photo shoot for Black Book magazine where she gave an insightful and intelligent interview on what it was like working with J.J. Abrams on Super-8. With so much exposure so quickly in both Hollywood and the world of fashion it is no surprise that Elle, who according to her older sis Dakota is the fashionista of the family, is quickly becoming a household name.
If you missed Super-8 and still want a chance to see the demure and dazzling young starlet on the big screen Elle will be starring in two more movies to be release later this year. The first is Cameron Crowe’s We Bought a Zoo and then second is film legend Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt Now and Sunrise featuring Fanning alongside Val Kilmer in a haunting story of a writer who makes contact with the ghost of a young girl while trying to solve a mysterious murder, a story that will certainly fit Elle’s style.
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