
What Will Become of Amy Winehouse’s Clothing Line?

Before her untimely and tragic death last week Amy Winehouse had already released several completed collections from her collaboration with fashion label Fred Perry. The collections, which were heavily influenced by Winehouse’s personal style including her love of retro clothing, big hair and pencil skirts, have been successful sellers for the brand since they were introduced in October of last year. Around that same time Winehouse gave a somewhat disastrous interview with Harper’s Bazaar in which she stated off hand that the “collections have been done up until Winter/Fall 2012” a comment that at the time was dismissed as a fashion novice misunderstanding the difference between a few concept sketches and a completed line. However looking back it seems that may not have been the case.

Ms. Winehouse, who is still the talk of the music world for how many unreleased tracks and vocal performances she apparently accrued in her short career may very well have achieved the same feat in the world of fashion. Considering the mainly retro centric nature of her brand it would not be a stretch of the imagination to assume that Winehouse’s next two or three lines were nearly completed by the time of her death.

Asked what would become of the Fred Perry x Amy Winehouse line, the label released the following statement via spokesperson to Vogue UK: “Fred Perry will not comment until a consultation with Amy’s family and management has taken place.” This extremely mute and measured reaction has unleashed a wave of rumors in the fashion world that not only is at least one more Winehouse collection ready, but there is a good chance Fred Perry will release it posthumously.

Another statement on Fred Perry’s website which reads, “Fred Perry is deeply saddened by the untimely passing of Amy Winehouse. Our thoughts are with her friends and family during this difficult time,” could be interpreted as a sign that the label is moving to close the perceived distance between themselves and the family and colleagues Winehouse left behind. This token of sympathy would make any posthumous release look more like a honor to a fallen friend then a cold-hearted cash grab by a corporation that still owns the rights to Ms. Winehouse’s line.

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